Industrial Automation
Social Systems
Device & Module Solutions
Data Solution
Showcasing Success Stories as We Innovate for a Sustainable Tomorrow
Achievement of Carbon Neutrality
Realization of a Digital Society
Extension of Healthy Life Expectancies
The Creative Potential of Generative AI - OMRON's Attempt to Streamline Customs Procedures
The Symbol of OMRON's Core Technology, Table tennis robot "FORPHEUS" - OMRON Engineers窶 Relentless Quest to Shape the Future -
With Love, From Harvard: When a Research Trip Turned into an Immersive Experience of Understanding OMRON's Uniqueness Visit of W. Carl Kester, Harvard Business School Emeritus Professor, to OMRON Kyoto Taiyo
Sharing Knowledge to Boost the Use of Generative AI at OMRON
"AIZAQ," OMRON's Participative Generative AI Project Aiming for Smart Work Styles and an Enjoyable, Creative Society
Oita International Wheelchair Marathon Special Dialogue A heart-warming conversation between two racers aiming to touch the finish line at their personal best time
OMRON's Pursuit of Achieving Carbon Neutrality ~The Challenge of Enhancing Energy Productivity~
SF2030 Topics "Extension of Healthy Life Expectancy"
SF2030 Topics "Realization of a Digital Society"
SF2030 Topics "Achievement of Carbon Neutrality"
A Factory of the World that Personifies the Fortitude & Genius of the Differently Abled "To improve lives and contribute to a better life": OMRON Dalian Echoing 31 years of unwavering commitment
Building An Intelligent Drainage System to Prevent Urban Flooding
Building an Inclusive Society to Unlock Human Creativity
Green Procurement and Green Manufacturing Make Society More Sustainable Delve Deeper into Sustainable Manufacturing Innovations that Resulted in a Massive 515-Ton Reduction in CO2 Emissions at OMRON窶冱 Factory in Malaysia
Companies and Communities Joining Hands to Shape the Future. OMRON Employees the World Over Resolving Social Issues through Volunteer Activities The Road Leading to Achieving the 窶+1 Goal窶 Community Services
Proactive Sharing of Challenges and Commitment to Improvement, as Led by Digital Transformation
How to achieve zero strokes and heart attacks for all Emerging technologies are fundamentally transforming healthcare.
We will create a better society! Held the 11th TOGA Global Meet
For the Empowerment of Neurodivergent Persons throughout Society [Part 2] Can Employment of Persons with Developmental Disability Really Change Work Style and Organization?
Realising the potential of AI on the factory floor
Pursuing an Ambidextrous Intellectual Property Strategy - OMRON窶冱 Current Intellectual Property Management -
Social Issues and Pursuit of Profit from a Design Perspective
All are welcome! - Providing Inclusive Workplaces that Empower Every Person [Part 1]
The Curious Case of ARIKAWA WORKS .Co., Ltd. 窶 How Automation Unlocked Creativity and Ramped-Up Hiring
Chugai, OMRON, and OMRON SINIC X Join Hands to Empower People with their "Next-Generation Lab Automation System"
What is the Future Forecast for 2025? Inaugural Hiezan Future Conference held with a view to building a better future
Omron helping firms achieve carbon neutrality
Harnessing AI to build a fresh vision for creativity Artificial窶進ntelligence research is seeking to enhance communication between humans and machines and find new ways for AI to contribute to society.
When a unique collaboration becomes a chance to reflect on values and origins
OMRON Pursues Carbon Neutral Goals with Rigorous Visualization and Improvement Initiatives under "All in Half" Banner
Leveraging EP100 Membership to Double Energy Productivity by 2040 Aiming to Achieve Carbon Neutrality
OMRON's Purpose is to Contribute to Value Creation and Sustainable Development of Society FY2022 ESG Briefing Report
Enhancing Energy Productivity for a Better Future Junta Tsujinaga Managing Executive Officer Company President, Industrial Automation Company OMRON Corporation *The above titles are current as of March 2023.
Utilizing Self-Consignment System to Accelerate Introduction of Renewable Energy
Creating a Society that Brings Out Human Creativity with Human-Oriented Robots Masaki Suwa Executive Officer Senior General Manager, Technology and Intellectual Property HQ
Creating safer and less-accident-prone workplaces with OMRON healthcare solutions
Let us Design Social Systems That Are Full of Social Goods
Harnessing Industry 4.0 to streamline complex logistics processes and bring happiness to workers
Click the Forward Button to Promote Equality in China's Rural Education
Walking the talk to deliver on ESG through automation
Contributing towards sustainable food production for billions with OMRON IoT based environment sensors
A New Era of Devices and Modules As Ushered in by Solutions
How Global Partnerships for Energy Productivity Can Drive a Net-Zero World
OMRON Joins EP100, Commits to Doubling Energy Productivity by 2040 Empowering Global Teams to Drive a Net Zero World
10th TOGA (The OMRON Global Awards) Global Meet Showcasing Employees窶 Own Stories of Applying the OMRON Principles to Solve Social Issues
How automation is driving sustainable growth and healthier lives
Creating a New Service for Reliable Operation of Solar Power Generation Facilities Power Conditioner Fixed-Rate Rental Service is a First for the Industry
A Global Innovator's Vision to Shape a Diverse and Inclusive World
AI for Healthy Skin MIS-UNIQ System Delivers Personalized Healthy Skin Management
Co-Creating World's First Bandsaw Safety Solution with OMRON Technologies
Japan's First Welfare Factory for People with Disabilities Leads the Next 50 Years of Change Exploring 窶弩ork Styles of the Future窶 to Build a Sustainable Society
Sustainable Automation: OMRON's Vertical Farming Solution
Creating face shield holders utilizing recyclable material
OMRON's Switching Technology Brings Victory to Professional eSports Players - Quality, Durable Mouse Switches That Achieve a Comfortable "Click Sensation" -
Inventing the Sustainable Future
Solving Through Automation: Providing Flexibility and Sustainability with Robotics
From a Passion to Reduce Marine Plastic Waste was Born an Innovative Packaging Technology 窶粘triving to Contribute to the Realization of a Sustainable Society through the Development of Temperature Controllers窶
Mobile robots contributing towards safe sterilization of medical instruments
Innovating Digital Technology, Enjoying Digital Future OMRON Once Again Did Splendidly in the CIIE
Global Sales of Blood Pressure Monitors Top 300 Million Units -Taking on the Challenge of Achieving Zero Cerebro-cardiovascular Events-
Being part of contributions to societal solutions Sven Kaluza, OMRON business development manager robotics:
Touchless Technology Enhances Safety and Reliability of the "New Normal" - The Story behind the Joint Development of Hybrid Elevator Switch in Partnership with Customers -
Smart Toilets contributing towards a sustainable and safer living in India
Working with Local Governments to Build Communities Resilient to Disasters - Maizuru City Begins Operation of Monitoring System to Identify the Risk of Flood Damage in Real Time -
Inspiring Employees to Unleash Their Passion for Solving Social Issues The 9th TOGA (The OMRON Global Awards) Global Meet
Creating the Future of Diversity & Inclusion Toward Vibrant Manufacturing Sites that Give Free Rein to Diverse Individual Attributes and Talents
Sowing the Seeds of New Science and Nurturing Innovation 窶乃oward a Better Future Envisioned by 窶弋he SINIC Theory窶昶
OMRON: Addressing Societal Issues Head-on with a Unique Corporate Philosophy Management OMRON ESG Presentation Report
Are Both Business Growth and a Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Possible? 窶 OMRON窶冱 Endeavor to Realize a Carbon-free Society 窶
Enriching Communication on Smartphones and in Medical Settings OMRON's User-Friendly Character Input Technology Gaining Traction
AI Is Already Beside Us [Part II]
AI Is Already Beside Us [Part I]
Helping Amputees Live a More Fulfilling Life with Active Prosthetics 窶任reating an Inclusive Society With a Working Bionic Leg Developed by Young Indonesian Engineers窶
Thinking Together About Our Vision for the Future How Should We Live in the 2020s?
OMRON Taiyo : Embodying the Corporate Motto and Respect for All A Visionary's Perspective - Unraveling the Innovations and Corporate Management Philosophy of OMRON Through the Thoughts of OMRON's Founder, Kazuma Tateishi : Episode 8
Clean Energy for the Future: How Solar Power Works
Design to Hearten Users Produced by OMRON HEALTHCARE
Class Program Given by Doctors for Enhancing Women's Health Literacy of Adolescents
Creative Use of CAE in the New Normal Era - Accelerating Digital Transformation in Manufacturing with AI x IoT x CAE -
Overcoming the "Big Business Syndrome" and Bringing Back the Ever-lasting Spirit of Venture A Visionary's Perspective - Unraveling the Innovations and Corporate Management Philosophy of OMRON Through the Thoughts of OMRON's Founder, Kazuma Tateishi : Episode 7
Health Management That Supports the Creation of Innovation with Vitality ~ Employees are the Key players! Support Globally for Health Promotion to Enhance Concentration and Lead to a Richer Life ~
Seeking the Ultimate Gaming Mouse for Professional Gamers Can They Accurately Emulate the Sensation That People Feel Comfortable with?
"AI suitcase" for a Symbiotic Society, Bringing Together the Technologies of Five Companies - Technology to Support Mobility and Communication for the Visually Impaired -
The Challenge of Establishing Health Engineering Based on Automation A Visionary's Perspective - Unraveling the Innovations and Corporate Management Philosophy of OMRON Through the Thoughts of OMRON's Founder, Kazuma Tateishi : Episode 6
OMRON's Technology Used in Vending Machines Across Cities 縲廣 Convenient Life Supported by Electronic and Mechanical Components縲
Creating New Social Value Through OMRON's Purpose - The Empathy and Resonance created by TOGA, 50,000 employees Around the World Participate-
Aiming for Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050 Reduced Annual Energy Consumption by 50% in the Company's New Building
OMRON's Next-generation Automation for the New Normal Era Demonstrating Collaboration between AI-equipped 6th Generation FORPHEUS and a Human Player Playing Table Tennis Rally with a Collaborative Robot
"New Normal" Railway Station Services by realizing "Station Automation" Solving Social Issues during the COVID-19 Pandemic (6)
A Little Communication Goes a Long Way to Unearth the Hidden Potential of Diverse People - Working Together with Persons with Mental Disabilities -
"I'm going out for tea with my friends" using meemo, a community-based MaaS ~This Mobility Assistance App Connects People's Hearts and Minds~
Developing the World's First Unmanned Train Station System to Solve a Social Issue through New Technology A Visionary's Perspective - Unraveling the Innovations and Corporate Management Philosophy of OMRON through the Thoughts of OMRON's Founder, Kazuma Tateishi : Episode 5
Protecting the Safety and Security of the Roads What is the New Weight Measurement System Installed on the Hanshin Expressway?
Corporate Venture Capital that collects "The World's Most Cutting-edge technologies" -To create a new world by joining hands with entrepreneurs who seriously believe they can change the world-
Sensing as Five Senses of Machine
One-Stop Service for Diabetic Patients in China - The First Metabolic Management Center (MMC) Health Convenience Store Opens inside a Pharmacy in Shanghai -
A Visionary's Perspective - Unraveling the Innovations and Corporate Management Philosophy of OMRON through the Thoughts of OMRON's Founder, Kazuma Tateishi Episode 4 : Kazuma窶冱 vision and "Social Needs Theory" that created automation market in Japan.
From "tool-type" to "autonomous and general-purpose": Progress of AI towards a good partner for humans
Our Ever-evolving Commitment to Meeting the Needs of Society: The Case of the Hotel Industry's Solution to the Challenges It Faces Solving Social Issues during the COVID-19 Pandemic (5)
Story Behind the Rise of the World's First FDA-Approved Wearable Blood Pressure Monitor - Two Engineers Who Tackled the Long-Standing Challenge of Downsizing Blood Pressure Monitors -
Now is the Time to Aim for a Symbiotic Society Where Everyone Can Smile Expanding Communication through Sign Language
A Visionary's Perspective - Unraveling the Innovations and Corporate Management Philosophy of OMRON through the Thoughts of OMRON's Founder, Kazuma Tateishi Episode 3 : Constructing the 窶彜INIC Theory窶, predicting the future, as a manager predicts the future
Protecting Health and Safety by Automating Disinfection Services with UV-Equipped Mobile Robots Solving Social Issues during the COVID-19 Pandemic (4)
OMRON China Takes Up the Challenge: Supporting BYD, which has become one of the World's Largest Mask Manufacturers Solving Social Issues during the COVID-19 Pandemic (3)
Promoting the Independence of the Elderly through the Spread of Long-term Care Prevention Service that Support the Health of the Elderly in the 100-year Life Era - Social Innovation through a Collaboration Agreement with Oita Prefecture -
A Visionary's Perspective - Unraveling the Innovations and Corporate Management Philosophy of OMRON through the Thoughts of OMRON's Founder, Kazuma Tateishi Episode 2 : A visionary Corporate Motto that became the origins of innovation
Japan's Largest Carport Photovoltaic System by Murata Manufacturing and OMRON - Aiming for a Sustainable Society with Clean Energy for Everyone 窶
A Big Step Towards the Future Where Machines Can Unlock Human Potential -The 6th Generation FORPHEUS Motivates Players with AI
A Visionary's Perspective - Unraveling the Innovations and Corporate Management Philosophy of OMRON through the Thoughts of OMRON's Founder, Kazuma Tateishi Episode 1 : Kazuma finds his vocation through hard work
Recycling Food for the Ultimate in Local Production, Local Consumption. OMRON Works with Shiga Prefectural Konan Agricultural High School on Food Loss Reduction and Local Revitalization
Engaging with Diversity, Helping One's Workmates: One "Busybody" Employee Transforms the Workplace 窶 Japan窶冱 First Welfare Factory OMRON Taiyo窶冱 Improvement Activities 窶
Even Under COVID-19, "Keep Providing Medical Suction Equipment". Efforts by OMRON Employees in Italy Solving Social Issues during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2)
Members of OMRON in Spain contribute to an open ventilator development project Solving Social Issues during the COVID-19 Pandemic (1)
Supporting the Continuity of Hypertension Treatment through Telemedicine Transitioning to the New Normal of Healthcare after COVID-19
Towards Shaping the Factory of the Future OMRON aims to innovate automotive factory logistics in Germany
Creating a Sustainable Society by Putting the OMRON Principles into Practice OMRON ESG Meeting Report
Signposts of the VUCA Era, Co-Creating Future Scenarios Conceiving and Creating the Future Through the SINIC Cafテゥ
Disability is Part of Individuality OMRON is Striving to be a Company in Which Employees of All Abilities Contribute Actively, Expressing Their Individuality and Talents
Work in Japan Diverse individuals bring their unique capability to generate innovation
"FROM THE FACTORY OF THE WORLD" --Kusatsu and Ayabe-- (Part 竇。) Various applications that contribute to innovating manufacturing automation
Combating counterfeit products to realize a better society in Russia Improvement of Quality of Life by constructing traceability systems
"FROM THE FACTORY OF THE WORLD" --Kusatsu and Ayabe-- (Part I) Made-in-Japan technology aiming at zero product defects
IXIス・Innovation Platform designed to create 'innovation driven by social needs' by transcending the boundaries of business divisions Maizuru City, Kyoto takes on a new challenge toward creating an autonomous society (Part II)
Encouraging Woman Leaders! A Place Where Roles Expand Upon a Growing Network of Partnerships
Breaking away from a manufacturing culture reliant on craftsmanship Standardized equipment program independent of humans and machines
A future that makes people happy through human-machine collaborations An interview with developers of FORPHEUS, an ever-evolving table tennis robot [Part II]
How close can a robot approach the behavior of a human? An interview with developers of FORPHEUS, an ever-evolving table tennis robot [Part I]
Can OMRON change a community!? Regional Revitalization Project toward 2030 Maizuru City, Kyoto takes on a new challenge toward creating an autonomous society (Part I)
From the Crossroads of East and West: Innovating the World's Manufacturing Industry Collaboration with Beta-Pak, Turkey窶冱 largest manufacturer of packaging machines
Co-creating a Smart Factory with AISIN AW The challenges AW and OMRON overcame to create the factory of the future
Experience Factory Harmony with OMRON Robots Showcase "Manufacturing floor of the near-future"
"FROM THE FACTORY OF THE WORLD" --Shanghai-- State-of-the-art model factory realizing "harmony" between humans and machines
[The Industry's First] Placing AI on the machine controller rather than in the cloud Toward "Future Factories That Continue to Grow with AI Technology"
Helping manufacturers provide quality products to customers Quality inspection reform of an FMCG manufacturer in India
The Futuristic Manufacturing That Open Innovation Accelerates Sparking Innovations with Factory-Specific Applications
5th Generation FORPHEUS's First Show @CES 2019 Harmony between Humans and Machines
Designing a station that is safe for users of all ages A practical application of OMRON窶冱 sensing technology in partnership with SEIBU RAILWAY
[Technology Infographics] Futuristic Technologies for 2033
Achieving Diversity and Inclusion in Collaboration with the Region No Charity, but a Chance! - the realization of the society which preserves the dignity of human being -
Revolutionizing the manufacturing scene with the visualization of master craftsmanship OMRON takes on the challenge of turning die-making into IoT
Tackling the Food Crisis with a Borderless Collaboration Creation of an environmentally conscious and sustainable method of urban farming
Creating a company where everyone can be themselves OMRON's approach to sexual minorities
Helping Kyoto Pave Its Future with Photovoltaic Power Generation The regional creation project integrated with the public and private sectors in Miyazu City
Towards a factory in which anyone with a handicap can show what they are capable of with the help of mechanical ingenuity The enduring challenge at OMRON Kyoto Taiyo
IARS - OMRON's innovative-Automation Journey
"Near-future designs" Drives Innovation New company spawns creativity via organizational structure, personnel and atmosphere
Joint risk management between management and staff brings fairness and transparency to a truly global company Building a global policy and upright organization with 200 risk managers
DuoBaby: Dual Relief for Parents and Babies
Saving people around the globe from lifestyle disease Promoting self-help via government and local institutions
Safety first in manufacturing
Open Innovation sheds new light on agriculture Planning and making decisions in steps
Protecting humanity from 'counterfeit' medicine Dedication gives birth to solution
China's Evolution in Manufacturing Innovation Building trust with "Made in China"
OMRON Engaged Visitors with Transformative Human-Machine Integration at CES
Exploring What It Means to be Human: Crossing AI and Neurology The role of machines in creating an enjoyable workplace
Preventing Major Cardiovascular Illnesses with Self-monitoring The next step in blood pressure monitors and electrocardiograms
The evolution of electronics in society is supported by electronic components Murata Manufacturing is on the cutting edge of manufacturing for these components. Blending information technology with factory automation, the smart factory concept.
Delivering technology that helps individuals grow From beginner to advanced. A robot that plays table tennis at your level
Listening to the voice of the customers, OMRON production site Engineers Humans using their wisdom to improve productivity
Can an employee's hobby lead to a revelation in the workplace? Solving manufacturing site problems with model trains and radio control motors
Improving on the job safety for radiologists Working across borders to create a new wireless control system
The Never Sleeping Driver
The ethereal power system. Minimizing power transmission loss by cutting the cord A veteran power engineer's dreams passed on to the younger generation
A "thoughtful" robot that builds a never -seen-before relationship between human and machine OMRON's latest challenge - the development of a robot that grows together with people
What does it take to merge AI and Manufacturing? The challenge of bringing the know-how of a skillful technician to machines
AI can help machines and people grow together Tracing the growth of FORPHEUS窶杷rom a robot capable of playing a table tennis rally to an AI-equipped robot that grows together with people
Mission: Develop in six months a machine that will work together with people to achieve a shared goal! Tracing the growth of FORPHEUS窶杷rom a robot capable of playing a table tennis rally to an AI-equipped robot that grows together with people
A future where machines will motivate people Tracing the growth of FORPHEUS窶杷rom a robot capable of playing a table tennis rally to an AI-equipped robot that grows together with people