The OMRON Group long-term vision, Shaping the Future 2030 (SF2030), emphasizes that our employees are the driving force of social value creation through our businesses. Under SF2030, we pursue global human resources policies that attract diverse talent and encourage each individual to fulfill his or her potential. We do this by forging a new company-employee relationship and by accelerating diversity & inclusion (D&I).
In the context of changing social and economic conditions, human resources are destined to become increasingly mobile over the next decade and the relationship between companies and their employees will shift to one of greater equality. Amid this shift, companies will be required to define clearly the opportunities for growth and empowerment, as well as the results expected. Employees will be required to demonstrate self-motivation in improving their own professional skills, lending their skills to the company on a continued basis. Based on the premise that companies and employees choose each other and build new relationships of mutual growth, our aim is that both OMRON and our employees become entities upon which society depends.
As social issues become more complex and widespread, it will become even more important that diverse human resources with various specialties work together on a global scale to address these issues. This is why OMRON focuses on efforts toward D&I by which we will attract and develop human resources. It is also important that a corporate culture allows every employee the freedom to pursue their aspirations and take on the challenge of solving social issues, without regard to country or organization. We will invest actively in creating environments and frameworks for this purpose.
We measure human creativity as the value added from sales minus variable costs divided by labor costs. Value added refers to the amount of value created and delivered by OMRON to customers and markets. Labor costs are the amount of investment in the human resources that create said value. A company must obtain an appropriate added value that is used to grow and reproduce new value for the sustainable growth of the company and its employees.
Every employee must bring their individuality and talents to bear if we are to achieve SF2030. We established a unique indicator called human creativity as a measure of the results of our human capital investment efforts.
Globally common training programs or those specific to region, company, and business are offered in a way to meet each employee's abilities and tasks. See the table below for specific training details.
OMRON Group employees (including group companies outside Japan) received an average of 14.3 hours per person in training and development time during fiscal 2023.
Program | Description |
For new employees | New employees learn about basics they need to know as OMRON Group employees, such as corporate philosophy, history, basic data, business strategies, compliance and rules |
Mentoring Program | Opportunity for mutual development, including one-on-one career development and role modeling |
Management Training | Acquisition of skills and mindset to bring out the best performance from our diverse human resources |
The Global Academy | An opportunity to grow as a global leader who embodies the OMRON Principles and achieves results together with colleagues, while also confirming preparedness to be a top manager in the OMRON Group |
For new senior managers | New senior managers learn about what they need to know as OMRON Group senior managers, such as labor management, finance, and rules |
For new directors | Newly appointed directors learn about what they need to know as OMRON Group board of directors and Group company management, such as labor/ finance management, governance, and audit from management's point of view |
Category | Objectives | Main training courses |
Management training | Strengthen on-site management capabilities | New manager training, training for strengthening problem-solving capabilities |
Rank-specific training | Understand difference in roles required for each qualification, and obtain awareness, knowledge and skills to fulfill given roles | New employee entering training and follow-up training, to-be assistant manager training when promoted, and mid-career follow-up training |
Role-specific training | Acquire the knowledge and skills required for each work role | Supervisors' training, and training before stationed abroad |
Assessment training | Create diagnosis/development plans for required capabilities | Management skill assessment training, and leadership assessment training |
Career development support training | Encourage employees to take a "self-inventory" and examine their career plans by providing them with the opportunity to review their careers | Intermediate career plan training, new career training, second career training, and "new life plan" training |
Job-specific training | Acquire specialized knowledge and skills required to perform tasks according to job category and duty | Conducted by head office department and each business company |
Program | Description |
e-Learning and Correspondence courses | Employees are reimbursed for half of course fees (subject to upper limit) if they complete the specified correspondence courses |
Expensive external courses | Employees are reimbursed for half of fees for expensive external courses if they complete the courses costing more than 100,000 JPY (with upper limit). The courses include MBA/MOT courses and foreign language classes that are useful in mid/long-term career building |
In-house study sessions | In-house study sessions organized by volunteer groups are given free in-house meeting rooms and financial support of up to 10,000 JPY per group for books, documents, and light meals |
After-work & weekend seminars | Offering seminars on a wide range of themes from business knowledge & skills to mental/physical health promotion, as well as lectures by experts |
Incentives for acquiring public qualifications | Incentive pay is provided to employees who acquire specified public qualifications |
One of the medium/long-term HR strategies is to foster leaders who assume core positions. In order to realize group-wide sustainable growth, the OMRON Group is working to allocate optimal human resources on a global level, as well as to globally foster candidates for the next-generation management team through hiring and training.
The OMRON Group promotes assignment of the right persons to the right places within each company, each region, and at the global level. This will drive business growth and empower employees to put their individual capabilities to the fullest use, while also helping them in career development.
Focusing on the development and assignment of global leading members of a next-generation management team, the Group offers rank-specific training opportunities on a global basis under the management of OMRON headquarters, along with the speedy assignment of the right persons to the right places.
To facilitate smooth placement of personnel beyond regional or national boundaries, globally common personnel transfer rules have been adopted to ensure fair and equal treatment for dispatched personnel at a new workplace.
As the globalization of business is accelerated within the OMRON Group, enhancement of local management is essential. Acknowledging this, the Group believes it is best to have people from a given country or region carry out management practices in that country/region. As such, for core positions to lead group management and businesses, the Group is committed to assigning local people within the region. In fiscal 2023, the ratio of non-Japanese in key managerial positions overseas was 81%. We will keep working to maintain and improve the figure exceeding 80% in fiscal 2024 and beyond.
An important part of our human resources strategy is to recruit, train, and encourage top performance from a diverse base of human resources.
Especially, the OMRON Group is working to proactively hire excellent people, including DX (digital transformation) specialists who can lead business innovation, those with technical skills related to AI, IoT, and robotics that have been positioned as the focused technology areas, as well as field application engineers capable of proposing solutions to customers.
At the same time, by strengthening efforts in in-house human development and diversity promotion, the Group seeks to establish work environments and bolster support systems for diverse human resources from a variety of experiences, expertise, and opinions to demonstrate their talents to the fullest, regardless of gender, nationality, or age.
The OMRON Group pursues initiatives to increase the number of female managers and management candidates. We do this by expanding opportunities for female employees and providing training to female employees. We also strive to raise awareness and foster a corporate culture within the company to achieve this goal.
The number of female managers is increasing globally, with 19.1% female managers as of April 2024. Female leaders in the workplace in Japan are also increasing. As of April 2024, the number of female executives in the OMRON Group (Japan) numbers six (one outside director, one managing executive officer, two executive officers, one president of an affiliated company, and one director of an affiliated company). In Japan, we have 217 female managers (managerial, professional, or higher positions), and the percentage of women in managerial positions is 11.9%.
In particular, the number of female managers (in Japan) increased from 22 at the beginning of the initiative in 2012 to 217 now. These women are role models with diverse leadership styles and reflect diverse opinions regarding decision-making. We will continue to raise awareness among managers and female employees, expanding opportunities for women to play active roles in the Company and receive promotions.
As of the end of fiscal 2023, the Group employed 126 foreign nationals in Japan, 25 of whom serve in managerial roles. We hire and promote employees regardless of nationality, and these individuals serve in various departments, including production, technology, development, quality assurance, and human resources. In addition, we strive to improve work environments through multilingual documents and career support consultation desks.
Especially, we implement a variety of measures to help foreign nationals in Japan work comfortably and express their individuality. We offer multilingual communications methods, multilingual documentation, internal social networks for employees to share information, informal meetings, and more, offering an environment in which employees can share information, regardless of nationality. We conduct personal interviews to learn more about individual circumstances related to religion and culture, providing options upon requests.
During fiscal 2023, we hired 223 mid-career individuals in Japan, 38 of whom were hired for managerial role. We are expanding mid-career hiring to meet our business growth needs.
The OMRON Group stated in SF2030 that employee diversity is the driving force to achieve innovation driven by social needs and create a better society. To this end, we strive to employ talented people in various fields, regardless of nationality, gender, or disability. We work globally to create environments in which these people can use their abilities to the fullest.
We engage in various initiatives to expand the number of women in leadership roles. We exercise gender balance in the selection and development of global management candidates and provide leadership training (WLC) and mentoring programs for women.
In addition to encouraging women to aspire to leadership roles, we also provide training for managers regarding unconscious bias and enhancing psychological safety. In this way, we endeavor to draw out a diversity of ideas and opinions based on employee individuality, knowledge, personal history, and experience. We strive to foster a corporate culture in which employees express their opinions freely, regardless of their position in the company, in the pursuit of results and value creation.
As a result of these efforts, we are seeing a global increase in the number of women in management roles. As of April 2024, the percentage of women in management roles globally was 19.1%. We intend to continue accelerating our efforts in this area.
To increase opportunities for women to play more active roles at work, the Group supports their career development and maintenance of work-life balance in tandem. Through this dual support, the Group strives to foster a diversity of role models for female workers.
As part of career development support, the Group offers a female leader training program. Moreover, female employees are encouraged to build and expand women’s networking and are given opportunities for self-study and development through participation in seminars, workshops, and information exchange meetings organized at each site. To help women achieve work-life balance, the Group is actively working with employees to improve working conditions. This is done through various measures that allow each member to put her capabilities to the fullest use. Examples include the issuance of guidelines, the setup of a consultation office, and the revision of personnel management systems. In order to accelerate these initiatives, the Group offers programs to help female employees to envision their career with medium- to long-term point of view and realize the career path, such as annual career/skill development interviews with their managers to support self-reliant career development, as well as “Application System” or “Open Recruitment System”.
As a result of both implementing career support through programs tailored to each individual and offering flexible workstyle, the Group has achieved to promote growth of diverse members.
We have also introduced a mentoring program that takes advantage of diagonal relationships (not direct supervisors), creating opportunities for mutual growth and networking through awareness from multiple perspectives. Further, performance evaluation indicators for managers include organizational capacity improvement targets (organizational operations, human resources development) to foster the development of diverse human resources. By strengthening our capability to manage diversity, we are achieving changes in mindset and culture that encourage self-driven improvement and personal growth.
As a result of these efforts, the number of female leaders has gradually risen across the OMRON Group. As of April 2024, female directors and officers numbered six in Japan (one outside director, one managing executive officer, two executive officers, one president of an affiliated company, and one director of an affiliated company). Female managers (managerial or upper-level positions or with specialist status) numbered 217, or 11.9% of managers.
The number of female managers in Japan was 22 in 2012 when we started this initiative and now the number reached 217, growing fivefold. The Group enjoys diversified role models whose voices are reflected in various decisions. We will continue to raise awareness among managers and female employees, expanding opportunities for women to play active roles in the Company and receive promotions.
Beginning in 2024, we will conduct the structural reform program NEXT 2025. This program includes an action plan to promote the role of women in the Company.
The Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace came into effect on April 1, 2016 in Japan. In response, the OMRON Group in Japan created a set of specific goals and an action plan for promoting the role of women, based on the circumstances within each OMRON Group company. We have formally published these goals and our action plan for public reference.
Through this initiative, we hope to further expand the role of women within the OMRON Group. At the same time, we hope to foster an awareness and build a culture in which any employee can excel, growing as an individual together with the OMRON Group.
Revised in March 2022
In May 2016, I began participating in the Council of Male Leaders Promoting Women’s Roles in Society, sponsored by the Cabinet Office. In addition, I joined the Council of Male Leaders Supporting Women's Roles in Society in Kyoto in July 2017. Promoting the active role of women in Japan is one of the most important issues facing Japan. At the same time, women are an indispensable part of the OMRON push for diversity.
The Council issued a declaration based on three concepts:
This declaration closely resembles how OMRON is supporting diversity in our company.
Moving forward, I will continue to take opportunities to spread the message of diversity both inside our company and in public. I hope to help foster an environment in which every individual can exercise their own initiative and develop their own potential.
Junta Tsujinaga
President and CEO
In 1972, OMRON established OMRON Taiyo Co., Ltd., a factory run by people with disabilities, pioneering the employment of people with disabilities. Since then, the OMRON Group as a whole has been actively committed to increasing work opportunities for people with disabilities through its business, while also expanding opportunities for them to assume roles of greater responsibility in society. By so doing, the Group seeks to create a society in which those with disabilities can enjoy a more fulfilling life and rewarding work.
OMRON is implementing global initiatives to employ people with disabilities, and people with disabilities are working at 28 OMRON Group sites outside Japan (as of the end of fiscal year 2023).
Inspired by the factory tour of OMRON Taiyo, the OMRON factory in Indonesia has also begun to employ physically challenged people. To create a factory in which all staff members with or without disabilities can work together in a team, regardless of the types of disabilities, the factory made various workplace adjustments and improvements and used specially designed tools and devices. OMRON Indonesia's efforts led to a contribution to Indonesian society that was recognized by the International Labor Organization as a Best Practice for the Employment of People with Disabilities.
Overseas sites in which people with disabilities are employed at the end of fiscal 2023: Brazil, Italy, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, South Korea, India, Portugal, and Thailand.
As of June 2023, the percentage of employees with disabilities at the OMRON group in Japan was 3.5%. In total, 273 employees with disabilities are at work in various sites throughout the OMRON Group in Japan. In addition to these people, OMRON Taiyo and OMRON Kyoto Taiyo work in collaboration with Japan Sun Industries (Taiyo-no-Ie) to provide more people with disabilities with opportunities for work and training.
As the OMRON Group, we will continue to fulfill our social responsibility, encouraging the employment and activities of people with disabilities as we acknowledge diversity as a driver of OMRON development.
In 1972, OMRON Taiyo Co., Ltd. was established as Japan’s first factory run by people with disabilities. It reflected the philosophy of Dr. Yutaka Nakamura, founder of Japan Sun Industries (Taiyo-no-ie), an organization engaged in vocational training and support for people with disabilities. Dr. Nakamura’s enthusiastic drive to expand work opportunities for people with disabilities resonated with OMRON founder Kazuma Tateishi. This led to the establishment of OMRON Taiyo and another similar factory, OMRON Kyoto Taiyo Co., Ltd., in 1985. At present, the two companies have been certified as special subsidiaries under the Act on the Promotion of the Employment of Disabled People, providing many challenged people with work opportunities.
OMRON Taiyo and OMRON Kyoto Taiyo also are dedicated to empowering people with disabilities in the workplace. Interviews with employees with disabilities are organized on a regular basis to listen to their requests and needs and provide considerations depending on the types of disabilities. Examples include the setup of studded paving blocks for visually impaired employees and automatic doors, as well as priority seats at the cafeteria for those in wheelchairs.
At production sites, OMRON Taiyo and OMRON Kyoto Taiyo leverage various OMRON technologies and employees’ creative ideas in order to create a workplace environment in which people, both with and without disabilities, can work easily and comfortably. This motivates all employees to fully demonstrate their skills and capabilities at work while also encouraging personal development. As a result, both companies successfully produce high-quality products.
A factory tour is also arranged for visitors, in order to widely disseminate the OMRON Group’s knowhow in employing people with disabilities throughout society. In this way, the Group is committed to expanding employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Top: Creativity and ingenuity create work environments tailored to the individuality of each employee
Bottom left: Members of OMRON Kyoto Taiyo Co., Ltd.
Bottom right: Members of OMRON Taiyo Co., Ltd.
Aiming to create a comfortable workplace for all, the Group began fully engaging with LGBTQ+ issues in 2016.* OMRON hosted a workshop to increase understanding of and give a thought to gender diversity related to LGBTQ+ employees, inviting Ms. Maki Muraki, representative of specified nonprofit organization Nijiiro Diversity as a lecturer. Through the workshop, employees gained a deeper understanding about the concerns of LGBTQ+ persons and their challenges.
In March 2017, those in charge of human resources management and recruitment from OMRON and other companies, as well as students who belong to LGBTQ+ circles from 12 universities in the Kansai region, assembled to exchange opinions and ideas about how to create an LGBTQ+-friendly workplace in which a diversity of people can work together comfortably.
In March 2019, OMRON revised the definition of family (spouse) per internal rules to include same-sex partners. In April 2021, OMRON updated the definition of family to include those who have been certified in-house as spouses in common-law marriages.
By leveraging what they have learned through these activities, OMRON staff is considering how to support LGBTQ+ employees, and is conducting a review of organizational systems.
In recognition of these initiatives, work with Pride, a voluntary organization that supports the promotion and acceptance of LGBTQ+ diversity management, certified OMRON as a Gold Standard Workplace for six years in total since fiscal 2017 in the PRIDE Index, a recognition program by the organization.
The OMRON Group (Japan) is committed to creating environments in which diverse human resources play active roles, fostering a corporate culture of highly motivated members who contribute actively as a matter of course. We also pursue activities by which every member working for the OMRON Group drive improved corporate value.
We will clarify the criteria for job roles and duties to ensure that the right person is assigned to the right place at the right time, based on the abilities, expertise, and motivation of each individual.
Furthermore, through appropriate goal setting and evaluation/compensation processes (once a year) using Management by Objectives (MBO), as well as frequent and agile one-on-one dialogues for mutual communication, we aim to enhance satisfaction and maximize motivation.
We plan to review the treatment of employees regardless of age, length of service, and personal attributes, pursuing promotions for young employees.
In addition, our domestic bonus system incorporates performance evaluation factors for individual business units, as it allows each employee to be dedicated to the performance of the respective business unit employee belongs to, that is, team-based performance, and rewards them for their contribution to achieving results.
OMRON Corporation and its Group companies in Japan have introduced a re-employment system for retirees. Targeting all retirees at the age of 60 as a basic rule, this system is intended to provide them with the opportunity to work until the age of 65 via re-employment agreements, as long as all requirements are mutually met. With regard to re-employed retirees aged 60 to 65, the Group improved the system in fiscal 2020 in which their compensation is based on the roles and achievements of each individual. Our aim is to help them best demonstrate the developed abilities to the same extent they did before their retirement.
Further, we support the self-directed career plans of senior employees through Second Career Training (for employees aged 50 and 55). This training allows each employee plans the direction of their own career and eventual retirement, serving as an opportunity for employees to reassess their career at OMRON. This training offers basic knowledge on life planning design and provides support at a crossroads in which employees can select their career path looking ahead to retirement.
We focus on creating environments in which employees continue to work while balancing work and home life, even in the face of changes associated with life events such as childbirth, childcare, and nursing care.
This initiative gives hiring preferences to former employees who want to return to work after experiencing ongoing extenuating circumstances. Such circumstances may include relocation due to marriage or job transfer of a spouse, pregnancy, giving birth, care for a child or an elderly or ill family member, etc. The reentry application period is within three years after resignation, and reentered persons are employed as regular employees.
In fiscal 2005, OMRON Corporation and some Group companies in Japan introduced a special leave for infertility treatment. Employees who require longer leave than annual paid holidays for advanced infertility treatment are eligible for taking this special leave (a maximum of 365 days, may divide a year into portions). Moreover, the OMRON Group employee mutual-aid association in Japan began providing subsidies for infertility treatment in fiscal 2005. Should an employee or his/her spouse receive infertility treatment, the employee association provides a subsidy of up to 200,000 yen in total for two years maximum, provided that the sum of the public subsidy from the respective municipality and the subsidy from the association does not exceed the actual cost paid for treatment.
OMRON has various systems and measures in place to ensure that employees can handle childbirth and childcare with peace of mind.
Interviews are held with female and male employees to confirm their intentions regarding childcare leave to ensure that employees who wish to take childcare leave can do so while receiving the support of their colleagues in order that their work proceeds as planned. In addition, return-to-work seminars are offered so that employees can share their experiences and tips for balancing work and childcare. In addition, the following systems are in place:
In cooperation with the Mutual Aid Society, we also have a childcare subsidy program (home helper subsidy, maternity and childcare gifts).
For maternal health care, female employees with children under one year of age are offered breaks (at least 30 minutes twice a day) that can also be used for breastfeeding and milking. The health counseling room can be used as a place for milking and resting.
Childcare facilities and nursing rooms for employees are also available at some production sites in Asia-Pacific, China, and Europe.
The Group is encouraging male employees to take childcare leave. The rate of male employees taking childcare leave rose from 41% in fiscal 2022 to 66%, averaging to 62.8 days in fiscal 2023. Furthermore, we are seeing wider use of spousal maternity support leave (paid, up to 5 days), which can be taken before and after childbirth. A full 69% of employees take advantage of this leave.
In recognition of the company’s extensive support initiatives for employees with children, OMRON was granted the "Kurumin" certification by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in 2008. In 2015, OMRON acquired the "Tomonin" symbol mark, recognizing its extensive support initiatives as well as its commitment to creating a work environment that helps employees achieve work-family care balance.
The OMRON Group also established measures to help employees who are engaged in care of elderly or sick family members to achieve a balance between work and family care. Specifically, we are expanding our nursing care support system, which includes nursing care leave, shortened working hours for nursing care, shortened working days for nursing care, special caregiving leave (paid, 5 days), special nursing care leave (paid, 5 days per eligible family member; 10 days per child if there are two or more children), and nursing care assistance support funds.
The Group conducts seminars on elder care issues and provides information through the web and other media. Along with the setup of a consultation center, the Group is committed to strengthening support initiatives for family caregivers, such as leave and short working hours for care of sick/elderly family members. These initiatives help employees to be prepared for the need of taking care of aging family members, and balance work and family life once care needs to be given. Also since fiscal 2015, the Group has been focusing on helping ease the worries and concerns of those handling family care, in cooperation with the OMRON Group employee mutual-aid association.
Number of applicants for childcare leave | 85 (Male: 60, Female: 25) |
Number of applicants for short working hours for childcare | 23 (Male: 1, Female: 22) |
Return to work rate after taking childcare leave | 100% |
Item | Typical Initiatives |
HR Development / Promotion |
Work Style Reform |
Workplace Culture / Continuing Employment |
Recruitment / Employment |