Environmental Contribution
- *1Environmental Contribution : FY2023 Target:Environmental contribution > CO2 emissions from global production sites
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- *1Global production sites
- *2Global all sites (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices)
Data coverage (Sites with required data / Global all sites) : FY2019 100%, FY2020 100%, FY2021 100%, FY2022 100%, FY2023 100%
- *3The entire supply chain
- *4Multiplying cost of goods and services and the emission factors
- *5Multiplying cost of facilities investment and the emission factors
- *6Multiplying quantity of fuels, electricity used and the emission factors
- *7Multiplying quantity and distance of transportation, distribution and the emission factors
- *8Multiplying quantity of waste generated and the emission factors
- *9Multiplying cost of business travel and the emission factors
- *10Multiplying cost of employee commuting and the emission factors
- *11Multiplying quantity of vehicle fuel (leased asset) and the emission factors
- *12Estimation from category 4
- *13Multiplying quantity of annual energy consumption by end use of goods and services sold, service life, the shipping volume and the emission factors
- *14Multiplying quantity of waste disposal and treatment of products sold and the emission factors
- *15Emissions from operation of investments
Major production companies accounted for by the equity method (shareholding ratio of 20% or more but less than-50%) are managed.
- *16Global sales (millions of yen) / CO2 emissions from global production sites (t-CO2)
- *17GHG Scope 1 Emissions : FY2019-FY2023: Global all sites (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices), FY2023 Target: 4,100t-CO2
- *18GHG Scope 2 Emissions: Market-based FY2023 target: 87,300t-CO2
Location-based FY2023 target: 128,200t-CO2
- *19GHG Scope 3 Emissions: FY2023 Target: 13,591,693t-CO2
- *1Total non-renewable energy consumption : FY2023 Target :187,000MWh
- *2Global all sites (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices)
Data coverage (Sites with required data / Global all sites) : FY2019 100%, FY2020 100%, FY2021 100%, FY2022 100%, FY2023 100%
Reducing Mercury by Promoting Replacement
- *1Healthcare Business; Volume of reduction contributed by replacing mercury-based thermometers and blood pressure monitors with digital models.
Chemical Substances Management
- *1Global all sites (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices)
Data coverage (Sites with required data / Global all sites) : FY2019 100%, FY2020 100%, FY2021 100%, FY2022 100%, FY2023 100%
- *2Volatile organic compounds (VOCs): FY2023 Target: 93.7 tons
Reduction of Waste
- *1Sites in Japan (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices)
- *2Overseas sites (Production sites, Main sales offices)
- *3Global all sites (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices)
Data coverage (Sites with required data / Global all sites) : FY2019 100%, FY2020 100%, FY2021 100%, FY2022 100%, FY2023 100%
- *4Total waste disposed of as non-hazardous waste: FY2023 Target : 751 tons
- *5Total waste disposed of as hazardous waste: FY2023 Target: 95 tons
Water Usage
- *1Global all sites (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices)
Data coverage (Sites with required data / Global all sites) : FY2019 100%, FY2020 100%, FY2021 100%, FY2022 100%, FY2023 100%
- *2Amount Withdrawn : FY2023 Target:Reduce water consumption at all global production sites by 20% vs. FY2015 result, i.e. 1,055 thousand m³
- *3Amount Consumed: FY2023 Target: Maintain the amount in FY2022, i.e. 104 thousand m³
Product Recycling and Reuse
- *1Social Systems, Solutions, and Service Business
Legal Environmental Assessment
- *1Global all sites (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices)
Data coverage (Sites with required data / Global all sites) : FY2019 100%, FY2020 100%, FY2021 100%, FY2022 100%, FY2023 100%
ISO 14001 Certification
Environmental Investments
- *1Global production sites, development sites, head office
Reducing Containers and Product Packaging Materials
- *1Global production sites
Saving Logistics Resource and CO2 Reduction
- *1Global production sites
Violations of legal obligations/regulations of environmental issues in general, including air/water pollution
- *1Global all sites (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices)
Data coverage (Sites with required data / Global all sites) : FY2019 100%, FY2020 100%, FY2021 100%, FY2022 100%, FY2023 100%
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