The following items are subject to independent verification by Japan Quality Assurance Organization, a third-party audit provider.
- Ratio of non-Japanese in key managerial positions overseas
- Ratio of women in managerial roles-Japan
- Ratio of employees with disabilities-Japan
- Work-related fatalities: employees and contract workers-Global
- Lost-Time Injuries Frequency Rate (LTIFR) : employees and contract workers-Global
Generating Diverse Talent Taking on the Challenge of Value Creation (Diversity and Inclusion)
Diversity of Employees
- *1Global data as of March 31 for FY2019-FY2021 and FY 2023; as of April 20 of the following fiscal year for FY2022.
- *2OMRON Group Companies in Japan. As of April 20 of the following fiscal year.
- *3Includes Omron Kirin Techno-System Co., Ltd. and JMDC Inc.
- *1Global data is as of April 20 of the following fiscal year until FY2022; as of March 31 for FY2023.
- *2OMRON Group Companies in Japan; as of April 20 of the following fiscal year.
- *3Does not include Omron Kirin Techno-System Co., Ltd. and JMDC Inc.
- *1Omron Group [Japan] data as of April 20 of the following fiscal year through FY2022; as of March 31 for FY2023.
- *2Does not include Omron Kirin Techno-System Co., Ltd. and JMDC Inc.
- *1All senior level management: Directors, Auditors, Executive officers and other senior level managers in key positions responsible for formulating and executing management and business strategies
- *2Global: overseas: data as of April 20th of the following year until FY2022, data as of March 31st of FY2023, Japan: data as of April 20th of the following year
- *3OMRON Group Companies in Japan. As of April 20 of the following fiscal year.
- *4Includes Omron Kirin Techno-System Co., Ltd.and JMDC Inc.(As of March 31)
- *5Does not include Omron Kirin Techno-System Co., Ltd. and JMDC Inc.
- *1Employment rate of persons with disabilities - Global rate is calculated for each applicable location based on the calculation method under the laws and regulations of each country that has rates.
- *2Act to Facilitate the Employment of Persons with Disabilities
(June 2023: including 19 consolidated subsidiaries) follow the law's method of calculation of the ratio of employment of persons with disabilities.
Number of Hires and Retention Rate
- *1OMRON Group companies in Japan
- *2Does not include Omron Kirin Techno-System Co., Ltd. and JMDC Inc.
- *1OMRON Group companies in Japan
- *2Does not include Omron Kirin Techno-System Co., Ltd. and JMDC Inc.
- *1OMRON Group companies in Japan
- *2Does not include Omron Kirin Techno-System Co., Ltd. and JMDC Inc.
Salary and Compensation
- *1OMRON Group companies in Japan
- *2Does not include Omron Kirin Techno-System Co., Ltd. and JMDC Inc.
- *1With regard to the gender wage gap, the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (Act No. 64 of 2015) requires disclosure of information for companies with 301 or more full-time employees. However, we have gone beyond the legal requirement and disclosed information for consolidated subsidiaries with 101 or more full-time employees.
Human Capital Related Investment
- *1Calculated as a reference indicator based on the requirements of ISO30414 and Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI).
Human Resource Development
- *1Does not include Omron Kirin Techno-System Co., Ltd. and JMDC Inc.
Vacation and Leave System
- *1OMRON Group companies in Japan
- *2Does not include Omron Kirin Techno-System Co., Ltd. and JMDC Inc.
- *1OMRON Group companies in Japan
- *2Does not include Omron Kirin Techno-System Co., Ltd. and JMDC Inc.
Respecting Human Rights in the Value Chain (Human Rights, Labor, Safety and Health)
Human Rights, Labor
- *1OMRON Group companies in Japan
- *2Does not include Omron Kirin Techno-System Co., Ltd. and JMDC Inc.
- *1Applicable countries: Japan, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Finland, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Thailand, Vietnam
- *2Does not include Omron Kirin Techno-System Co., Ltd. and JMDC Inc.
Safety and Health
- *1LTIFR=(Number of lost-time injuries) / (Total hours worked in accounting period)x 1,000,000.
Global data
Updated to include frequency rates before 2019, since commuting incidents were excluded to comply with GRI403-9 items for disclosure (June 2021)
- *2Fiscal 2018 data reflects Japan and mainland China; fiscal 2019 data reflects OMRON Group worldwide
- *3Does not include Omron Kirin Techno-System Co., Ltd. and JMDC Inc.
Stakeholder Engagement
Employee Engagement
- *1SEI, Sustainable Engagement Index in Global Employee Engagement Survey called VOICE
Community Engagement
- *1Management costs of social contribution activities
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DFF Inc., OMRON Corporation, OMRON Corporation, OMRON Corporation, OMRON Corporation, OMRON Corporation, OMRON Corporation, OMRON Corporation, OMRON Corporation, OMRON Corporation, OMRON Corporation, OMRON Corporation, OMRON Corporation, OMRON EXPERTLINK Co.,Ltd., OMRON Corporation, OMRON Corporation, OMRON Corporation, OMRON Corporation, OMRON Corporation, OMRON EXPERTLINK Co.,Ltd., OMRON Automotive Electronics Co. Ltd., OMRON SOCIAL SOLUTIONS Co.,Ltd., OMRON SOCIAL SOLUTIONS Co.,Ltd.