Industrial Automation
Social Systems
Device & Module Solutions
Data Solution
Showcasing Success Stories as We Innovate for a Sustainable Tomorrow
Achievement of Carbon Neutrality
Realization of a Digital Society
Extension of Healthy Life Expectancies
We are Shaping the Future! Showcasing Success Stories as We Innovate for a Sustainable Tomorrow
The Creative Potential of Generative AI - OMRON's Attempt to Streamline Customs Procedures
Sharing Knowledge to Boost the Use of Generative AI at OMRON
"AIZAQ," OMRON's Participative Generative AI Project Aiming for Smart Work Styles and an Enjoyable, Creative Society
SF2030 Topics "Realization of a Digital Society"
Proactive Sharing of Challenges and Commitment to Improvement, as Led by Digital Transformation
Innovating Digital Technology, Enjoying Digital Future OMRON Once Again Did Splendidly in the CIIE
AI Is Already Beside Us [Part II]
AI Is Already Beside Us [Part I]
Creative Use of CAE in the New Normal Era - Accelerating Digital Transformation in Manufacturing with AI x IoT x CAE -
"AI suitcase" for a Symbiotic Society, Bringing Together the Technologies of Five Companies - Technology to Support Mobility and Communication for the Visually Impaired -
OMRON's Next-generation Automation for the New Normal Era Demonstrating Collaboration between AI-equipped 6th Generation FORPHEUS and a Human Player Playing Table Tennis Rally with a Collaborative Robot
Sensing as Five Senses of Machine
From "tool-type" to "autonomous and general-purpose": Progress of AI towards a good partner for humans
A Big Step Towards the Future Where Machines Can Unlock Human Potential -The 6th Generation FORPHEUS Motivates Players with AI
A future that makes people happy through human-machine collaborations An interview with developers of FORPHEUS, an ever-evolving table tennis robot [Part II]
How close can a robot approach the behavior of a human? An interview with developers of FORPHEUS, an ever-evolving table tennis robot [Part I]
[The Industry's First] Placing AI on the machine controller rather than in the cloud Toward "Future Factories That Continue to Grow with AI Technology"
The Futuristic Manufacturing That Open Innovation Accelerates Sparking Innovations with Factory-Specific Applications
5th Generation FORPHEUS's First Show @CES 2019 Harmony between Humans and Machines
[Technology Infographics] Futuristic Technologies for 2033
Revolutionizing the manufacturing scene with the visualization of master craftsmanship OMRON takes on the challenge of turning die-making into IoT
OMRON Engaged Visitors with Transformative Human-Machine Integration at CES
Exploring What It Means to be Human: Crossing AI and Neurology The role of machines in creating an enjoyable workplace
The Never Sleeping Driver
A "thoughtful" robot that builds a never -seen-before relationship between human and machine OMRON's latest challenge - the development of a robot that grows together with people
What does it take to merge AI and Manufacturing? The challenge of bringing the know-how of a skillful technician to machines
AI can help machines and people grow together Tracing the growth of FORPHEUS窶杷rom a robot capable of playing a table tennis rally to an AI-equipped robot that grows together with people
Mission: Develop in six months a machine that will work together with people to achieve a shared goal! Tracing the growth of FORPHEUS窶杷rom a robot capable of playing a table tennis rally to an AI-equipped robot that grows together with people
A future where machines will motivate people Tracing the growth of FORPHEUS窶杷rom a robot capable of playing a table tennis rally to an AI-equipped robot that grows together with people