Key environmental initiatives for OMRON in SF2030
OMRON believes that the creation of a sustainable society and conservation of the environment are essential to achieve our Corporate Principles, particularly our commitment to contributing to the creation of a better society. Our company is working proactively on issues that affect our society, with a strong focus on climate change and resource recycling. We have positioned the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the transition to a circular economy, and coexistence with nature as key challenges for our environmental initiatives in 2023, and we will contribute to the creation of a sustainable society and enhance our corporate value by ensuring the effectiveness of our initiatives as well as a robust system for their implementation.
Environmental Management
The OMRON Group formulated environmental policies based on the OMRON Principles. We strive to offer solutions to environmental issues
The OMRON Group's environmental initiatives
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emission
Read more about OMRON climate change initiatives and our progress
Transitioning to a Circular Economy
OMRON's efforts to efficiently use the limited resources through circular economy
Coexisting with Nature
As a part of our environmental management, we strive to coexist with nature
Green Procurement
Partnering with suppliers to promote sustainability in supply chains
Examples of environmental initiatives
OMRON joins EP100, commits to doubling energy productivity by 2040
Creating a New Service for Reliable Operation of Solar Power Generation Facilities
From a Passion to Reduce Marine Plastic Waste was Born an Innovative Packaging Technology
Are Both Business Growth and a Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Possible?
Clean Energy for the Future: How Solar Power Works
Aiming for Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050
Japan's Largest Carport Photovoltaic System by Murata Manufacturing and OMRON
Helping Kyoto Pave Its Future with Photovoltaic Power Generation
Creating the Future of Diversity & Inclusion
Engaging with Diversity, Helping One's Workmates: One "Busybody" Employee Transforms the Workplace
Encouraging Woman Leaders!
Creating a company where everyone can be themselves
OMRON: Addressing Societal Issues Head-on with a Unique Corporate Philosophy Management
Joint risk management between management and staff brings fairness and transparency to a truly global company
Environmental Performance Data
- Sustainability Data
- OMRON Group’s Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG Emissions
- Energy Usage at Global Sites
- GHG Emissions other than Energy-oriented CO2
- Total Waste Volume (Japan and Overseas)
- Final Disposal of Waste (Japan and Overseas)
- Measured Values of Air Pollutants (NOx, SOx) (Japan and Overseas)
- Measured Values of Water Pollutants (BOD, COD) (Japan and Overseas)
- Amount of Water Withdrawn by Source, Amount of Water Discharged by Destination, Amount and Percentage of Water Recycled
- PRTR Survey Results (Japan and Overseas)
- ISO 14001-certified Sites
- Environmental Investments
- Independent Assurance Statement