Living up to the OMRON Principles, the OMRON Group is committed to solving social issues through its businesses. At the same time, OMRON strives to contribute to the sustainable development of society through initiatives related to environmental and social sustainability.
It is our hope that this Sustainability Website will help our stakeholders understand OMRON’s stance and commitment. Also aiming to build stronger relationships with all stakeholders, OMRON will remain active in disclosing information while maintaining integrity and transparency.
166 OMRON Group companies including 156 consolidated subsidiaries and 9 affiliates (as of March 31, 2024)
As for data for which the reporting scope is limited, the applicable scope will be noted individually.
Mainly fiscal 2023 (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)
The GRI Standards, sustainability reporting standards set by Global Reporting Initiative
ISO 26000 (Guidance on social responsibility)