We will create a better society!

We will create a better society!

Held the 11th TOGA Global Meet

In these days of calls for "purpose management" and "corporate philosophy management," OMRON Principles is not just something to hang on the wall, but something to be put into practice. "To improve lives and contribute to a better society," the OMRON Principles established by founder Kazuma Tateishi in 1959, and OMRON's very reason for being is for all employees to practice the corporate philosophy that carries on the spirit of the OMRON Principles. In other words, the work that employees do every day to realize a better society is the very implementation of the corporate philosophy.

Click here for the OMRON Principles.

OMRON has a yearly event to recognize the implementation of this philosophy. The OMRON Global Awards (abbreviated as TOGA) encourages all 28000 global employees to present their own stories of implementing the corporate philosophy. Started in fiscal 2012, TOGA celebrated its 11th year in fiscal 2023.

TOGA's purpose is to evaluate the degree of implementation of the OMRON Principles. In other words, subjects that are not directly related to sales and subjects of technology that have not yet led to results are also awarded. Also, TOGA is not just a one day event, but a year-round program. Employees work as a team through a cycle of setting "WILL" for what they will do in the implementation of the OMRON Principles, planting a flag and declaring, implementing, reflecting and sharing, and resonating. Themes selected through presentations in the organizational and regional qualifiers are shared with all global employees at a global meet held in Kyoto once a year. The evaluation of other teams' efforts and themes becomes a topic of conversation in the workplace, and by talking with colleagues, a circle of empathy and resonance spreads throughout the world.

Another important thing is that TOGA is also a forum for dialogue between management and employees. Since all executives participate in the global meet and praise and ask questions to presenters, this dialogue also leads to better employee engagement.

1423_2.jpgOpening Remarks by Tsujinaga, President and CEO

In the 11th TOGA Global Meet held on September 21, 2023, a total of 16 teams from around the world participated in the first in-person event in 4 years following the COVID-19 pandemic. The event was held in a hybrid format of real and online, and a total of more than 14,000 employees sympathized and resonated with the philosophy and practice story of each team. This year saw a cumulative entry from 6,930 teams and 50,071 people, and the cumulative total for the past 11 years is 57,740 teams and 481,270 people. In recent years, the circle of empathy and resonance has expanded not only to employees but also to external partners, and the number of themes to be addressed together with customers and partners has increased.

1423_3.jpgGold Prize winners at the 11th TOGA Global Meet

The outline of TOGA 2023 (theme and presenter) is as follows.

schedule01.pngNew Packaging for a Plastic-Free Future
Miho Matsushima

schedule02.pngMaking hospitals safer: Robotic Transportation of Biohazards
OMRON CANADA (OCI) Christopher Barnes

schedule03.pngChallenge for a Data-Driven Solution to Management Issues
- For the Brighter Future of Railway Business -

Shogo Kato / Shinya Ono

schedule04.pngA New "Racetrack" and "Opportunity" to Make a Move
- Innovative Algorithms for Breakthroughs in the New Energy Motor Production Process

Qiao Qing-feng

schedule05.pngVitalSight Remote Patient Monitoring Program
Brandon Haag

schedule06.pngContributing to the Evolution of Medical Services!
The Challenge of Realizing Smart Hospitals through Automated Transportation Systems

Daeun Kim

schedule07.png"GREEN" Parts Manufacturing
Nur Atiqah

schedule08.pngChallenge for Operational Excellence!
- Consolidating All of China's Financial Services to Dalian in One Year -

Ma Yu-han

schedule09.pngProtecting Society from Weather Changes together with our Customer!
Device & Module Solutions Business (DMS)
Hideaki Kojima

schedule10.pngThe 1000 Day Battle with COVID-19
- A Struggle for the Balance of Safety and Production -


schedule11.pngOMRON Connect & Health gift expansion in India
Gagan Saxena

schedule12.pngATEX-approved OMRON components to help conserve resources & the environment
Samira Amani

schedule13.pngAccelerating the Value of the OMRON Brand by Practicing "Respect for All"
-The Quest for RBA -

Liu Bo / Xu Hong-fei

schedule14.pngChanging 50 Years of History through the Harmony of Human and Machine!
Reforming Smart Maintenance to Ensure Safety and Peace of Mind

Hideki Matsumaru

schedule15.pngPartnership with Servier
- Initiatives to raise hypertension awareness in Polish society -
Katarzyna Patynowska / Aybike Caltekin

schedule16.pngProtect Pharmaceutical Quality!
- Production Line Reforms for Pharmaceutical Companies and OMRON -

Industrial Automation Business (IAB)
Natsuki Iwamoto

Here are four excerpts from the above program.

Presentation 1)

New Packaging for a Plastic-Free Future


1423_4.jpgHaving been told that "packaging is garbage," Matsushima, who had a sense of challenges with packaging materials, took a leap of faith, saying, "I want to evolve OMRON's packaging." Facing environmental problems such as marine and soil plastic pollution caused by packaging and the depletion of oil resources, Matsushima worked with many departments, including sales, planning, design, production, and purchasing departments, to plan and produce environment-friendly paper based packaging for thermometers. Considering the importance of both the customer's perspective and the company's offering value and points of appeal, the company repeated its hypotheses and tests many times, and as a result, it completed the packaging of environmentally-friendly paper with a structure that is as good as plastic packaging, thereby contributing to the improvement of environmental problems.

Presentation 2)

Making hospitals safer: Robotic Transportation of Biohazards

OMRON CANADA (OCI) Christopher Barnes /OMRON ELECTRONICS (OEI) Brian Mayle

1423_5.jpgBarnes and Mayle decided to "automate the delivery of hazardous materials using mobile robots" to solve the challenges of severe labor shortages in hospitals and the risk of hospital-acquired infections. Used medical equipment, such as surgical scalpels and scissors, were sharp and heavy, making it difficult and labor intensive to safely transport them during the sterilization process. However, by developing and commercializing an AI-equipped automated transport robot, we have realized a safe and efficient sterilization process. This development was made possible by the cooperation of partner companies and hospital personnel.

Presentation 3)

Challenge for a Data-Driven Solution to Management Issues ~For the Brighter Future of Railway Business~


1423_6.jpg"I want to contribute to the railway industry that supports people's mobility infrastructure." Kato, who is currently seconded to OMRON from a railway company, has set his sights on more efficient business management for the railway industry, which is facing a difficult business environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Together with Ono and others in the social systems business, Kato has built a railway data platform that uses proprietary algorithms to analyze train congestion rates and operating conditions from ticket gate data, schedule data, and other data. This service has been adopted by several railway companies and has contributed to improving operational efficiency, especially during rush hours, which is important in the management of each company.

Presentation 4)

"GREEN" Parts Manufacturing


1423_7.jpgNur Atiqah, a member of the electronic components business with the intention of "producing environmentally friendly products," worked with several divisions including manufacturing, product technology development, and production technology centers in Japan to reduce plastic waste and CO2 emissions through system construction and manufacturing process reform. Several major issues emerged in mold manufacturing, such as the loss of thermal efficiency caused by recycled materials, but OMRON fully demonstrated its engineering capabilities. As a result, in fiscal 2022, we achieved innovation in green component manufacturing, reducing plastic by 150 tons and CO2 equivalent by more than 500 tons.

OMRON will continue to focus on the penetration and implementation of our corporate philosophy, evolving co-creation with our internal and external stakeholders, and creating a better society.

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