From the Past to the Present
As lifestyles and values continue to change dramatically, what kind of future can we expect? Here, we will take a look at the past, the present, and the future as depicted by the SINIC theory.
According to the SINIC theory, the world established an Industrialized Society upon the foundation of a conventional Agricultural Society in the 14th century. The SINIC theory divides this Industrialized Society into five phases: first, there was a shift from a Handicraft Society to an Industrialization Society; then, 1870 saw the advent of a Mechanization Society; an Automation Society developed in the 20th century; and from the end of the 20th century until the dawn of the 21st century was an Information Society.
In particular, the 20th century was a time of rapid transition through three kinds of societies: the Mechanization Society, the Automation Society and the Information Society. According to the SINIC theory, the Optimization Society - the final phase of the Industrialized Society - began in 2005, following on from the Information Society, and this will subsequently shift to the Autonomous Society by 2025.
While the Industrialized Society generated material wealth, it also left behind many negative factors. These included increasing energy and resource depletion, growing industrial waste, food shortages, as well as problems related to human rights and ethics among many others. In the Optimization Society it is predicted that these negative effects will be redressed and people will shift from the values of the Industrialized Society, as typified by the pursuit of efficiency and productivity, to values in which psychological abundance is sought and the quality and true joy of life become increasingly important.
With its unique technologies, OMRON is well positioned to help the Optimization Society create a complete balance and harmonious relationship between individuals and society, between humans and the environment, and between people and machines.