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The dust is yet to settle!

February 13, 2020

The dust is yet to settle!

It is that time of the year when the winter season is gradually loosening its grip over the northern hemisphere and the Sunrays have started to make their way through the thick atmosphere. In India, a change of season means a change in narrative. All the talk around pollution and its harmful effects will take a backseat while companies lay out their plans to give consumers a cooling relief. However, neglecting pollution is not at all a good idea and one should always be wary about it both outdoors and indoors.

If the weather is not smogy, doesn’t mean it is devoid of pollutants. The dust is always there, and the danger still looms. As per a recent report, air pollution costs India $150 billion every year and also accounts for a million premature deaths. The size of particulate matter is so small that it is non-existent to a naked eye but is penetrative enough to make its way to our lungs. So how do we fight a danger, we can’t see?

Enter – OMRON Air Quality Sensors, small but robust sensors to detect the presence of PM10 and PM2.5. The sensors can be embedded in different devices and applications to trigger corrective measures to tackle polluted air. The video explains more:

About The Author

Manoj Kodakkatery

Manoj brings a wealth of experience in his 12 years stint with OMRON. He is currently managing new business development for Electronic & Mechanical Components division in India. His responsibilities include creating marketing strategy for new and existing products, overseeing tech support for sales, providing product training to distributors and supporting company’s promotional activities in PAN India. He is a fitness enthusiast with special love for cinema.


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