5-Year Highlights

5-Year Highlights

シBillions of Yenシ

  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Net sales 678.0 655.5 762.9 876.1 818.8 825.0
Operating income 54.8 62.5 89.3 100.7 34.3 49.0
Income before income taxes 51.8 65.1 86.7 98.4 35.0 21.0
Net Income
Attributable to
OMRON Shareholders
74.9 43.3 61.4 73.9 8.1 8.5
Net Income per Share Attributable to OMRON Shareholders (ツ・) Basic 365 215 306 372 41 43
Diluted - - - - - -
Cash Dividend per Share (ツ・) 84 84 92 98 104 104
Total Asstets 758.1 820.4 930.6 998.2 1,354.7 -
Total Shareholders' Equity 530.4 606.9 665.2 728.5 786.7 -
Capital Expenditures 33.1 24.0 34.2 45.1 43.7 55.5
Research and Development Expenses 46.0 43.2 44.3 50.2 50.1 50.0

Consolidates Statement of Cash Flows

(Billions of yen)

  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 89.8 93.8 67.4 53.5 44.9
Net Cash Provided by Investing Activities 28.6 -14.8 -150.2 -55.5 -107.1
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities -29.4 -20.4 -29.6 -58.8 86.0
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of the Period 185.5 250.8 155.5 105.3 143.1

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