Companies and Communities Joining Hands to Shape the Future. OMRON Employees the World Over Resolving Social Issues through Volunteer Activities
How to achieve zero strokes and heart attacks for all
For the Empowerment of Neurodivergent Persons throughout Society [Part 2]
Pursuing Ambidextrous Intellectual Property Initiatives
All are welcome! - Providing Inclusive Workplaces that Empower Every Person [Part 1]
Creating safer and less-accident-prone workplaces with OMRON healthcare solutions
Harnessing Industry 4.0 to streamline complex logistics processes and bring happiness to workers
Click the Forward Button to Promote Equality in China's Rural Education
Walking the talk to deliver on ESG through automation
Contributing towards sustainable food production for billions with OMRON IoT based environment sensors
OMRON joins EP100, commits to doubling energy productivity by 2040
How automation is driving sustainable growth and healthier lives
Creating a New Service for Reliable Operation of Solar Power Generation Facilities
A Global Innovator's Vision to Shape a Diverse and Inclusive World
From a Passion to Reduce Marine Plastic Waste was Born an Innovative Packaging Technology
Creating the Future of Diversity & Inclusion
OMRON: Addressing Societal Issues Head-on with a Unique Corporate Philosophy Management
Are Both Business Growth and a Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Possible?
Clean Energy for the Future: How Solar Power Works
Aiming for Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050
Japan's Largest Carport Photovoltaic System by Murata Manufacturing and OMRON
Engaging with Diversity, Helping One's Workmates: One "Busybody" Employee Transforms the Workplace
Encouraging Woman Leaders!
Creating a company where everyone can be themselves
Helping Kyoto Pave Its Future with Photovoltaic Power Generation
Joint risk management between management and staff brings fairness and transparency to a truly global company