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Essential tips to deal with declining air quality

November 08, 2019

Essential tips to deal with declining air quality

The early morning chills and cool breeze at night indicate the onset of winters. Another indication is the declining air quality – a collated pile-up of stubble burning in the neighboring states, effects of fireworks in Diwali and easy deposition of particulate pollutants owing to low temperatures. Yes, poor air quality during winters is a big concern and may lead to or aggravate respiratory disorders. But during this hue and cry, we often forget to adopt some of the simple measures which will help us get through the winters:

  • Avoid outdoor activity: Restrict early morning and late evening walks and jogs as during this hour the pollutants in the air are at the peak. The walking and jogging need more energy which makes breathing faster leading to more inhalation of toxic air. This could have an adverse effect on the health of people, more so for the elderly and children. Avoid opening doors and windows in the morning and late evenings.
  • Home remedies for breathing disorder: Smog can lead to loss of breath or irritation in the throat, hence it should be taken seriously. Try to include the following ingredients – neem, tulsi, and haldi in your everyday diet to shield your body against harmful particles present in the air. Also, try to take steam every day with a few drops of eucalyptus oil to clear the air passage.

  • Wear mask: Stay covered all the time when you are outdoors. If using masks, use certified N95 masks and follow user instructions. Simple paper and cloth masks are not effective. Make sure to cover your mouth and nose, it will certainly limit the toxins entering the body through inhalation.
  • Eat healthy: Try to include the following items in the daily diet to increase immunity.
    Among vegetables include peas, cauliflower, cabbage, okra, red bell peppers, and broccoli. And among fruits like lemons, melons, grapes, papaya, kiwis daily to fight smog-related air-borne toxins. Also, try to keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least three to four liters of water. Avoid smoking cigarettes, bidis and related tobacco products.
  • Manage respiratory disorders well: Consult the nearest doctor in case of breathlessness, giddiness, cough, chest discomfort or pain, irritation in eyes (red or watery). People suffering from airway, lungs or heart-related illnesses must keep medication handy and ensure to consult with the doctor. One of the most effective and easy-to-use home monitoring devices is a Nebulizer. It enables the right delivery of medicine which is the key requirement for managing regular to chronic respiratory problems such as allergic cough & cold, asthma, COPD, etc.
  • Cardiovascular related problems: Extreme exposure to smog has a significant impact on cardiovascular ailments as well. Hence, it is advised that heart patients or people at risk of heart diseases should take extra precautions to avoid further complications.

About The Author

Rohit Saini

Rohit is a graduate in business management from IIMM business school, Pune and holds a degree in Hotel Management as well. His professional oeuvre, spanning across 16 years, comprises of multifarious roles in sales and marketing domain. Outside work, Rohit has keen interest in exploring about aviation science and loves adventure sports. He also enjoys cooking Italian cuisine and is a food lover.


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