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OMRON Kicks Off May Measure Month 2024 with the Philippine Society of Hypertension in the Philippines

May 24, 2024

OMRON Kicks Off May Measure Month 2024 with the Philippine Society of Hypertension in the Philippines

On May 9, OMRON and the Philippine Society of Hypertension (PSH) co-hosted the inaugural ceremony of May Measure Month (MMM) 2024 at Marco Polo Ortigas. The event was attended by representatives from various key partner organizations associated with MMM, including the Department of Health (DOH), the Philippine Heart Association (PHA), the Philippine College of Occupational Medicine (PCOM), and Diabetes Philippines, among others. 

OMRON and the Philippine Society of Hypertension (PSH) jointly held the opening ceremony of May Measure Month (MMM) 2024 at Marco Polo Ortigas on May 9. The event saw the participation of delegates from different important partner organizations involved in MMM, such as the Department of Health (DOH), the Philippine Heart Association (PHA), the Philippine College of Occupational Medicine (PCOM), and Diabetes Philippines, among others.

The event was attended by over 50 participants in person, while over 1,000 virtual attendees joined via live Zoom and Facebook streaming.

The Philippines stands as one of the most actively engaged countries in MMM, with a commendable submission of over 770,000 blood pressure measurement data since its inception in 2017. Notably, the Philippine MMM volunteer groups spearheaded by PSH have contributed to several clinical studies in prominent international health journals.   

In 2024, they aim to surpass previous achievements by submitting 250,000 blood pressure data. This ambitious target will be realized through the collaborative efforts of more than 26 partner organizations working in unison to achieve this milestone.  

OMRON pledges further support for MMM through digital activations and retailer partnerships until the campaign's conclusion at the end of July, extending the reach and impact of the initiative in the Philippines. 

About The Author


Corporate Communications Department - Asia Pacific


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