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  • Asia Pacific

OMRON Healthcare Indonesia receives Indonesia PR of The Year 2023 Award

October 04, 2023

OMRON Healthcare Indonesia receives Indonesia PR of The Year 2023 Award

OMRON Healthcare Indonesia is thrilled to announce its recent accolade – the PR Program of The Year 2023 award in the Creative Corporate Reputation Program category. The award recognizes the outstanding efforts put forth by OMRON in promoting its Digital Blood Pressure Monitors across the country.

Presented by MIX MarComm Magazine, a part of the SWA Media Group, this prestigious recognition was bestowed upon OMRON Healthcare Indonesia during the 16th Indonesia PR of The Year 2023 event.

Herry Hendrayadi, the Marketing Manager of OHS-ID, proudly represented the company at the event, joined by Anggi Ferdinand, Marketing Associate, OHS-ID. The award was presented by Kemal E. Gani, Group Chief Editor of SWA Media Group.

The award-winning campaign showcased OMRON's innovative approach to revitalize the image of their digital blood pressure monitors in a market where media interest was waning. Challenges included limited data sources and strong competition, but OMRON's creative strategies breathed new life into their flagship product. These strategies involved unique content creation, collaborations with healthcare professionals, repositioning the monitors as lifestyle devices, and broadening their media outreach efforts.

About The Author


Corporate Communications Department - Asia Pacific


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