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Empowering Healthier Lives on World Stroke Day - OMRON Healthcare Introduces the Stroke Risk Calculator feature on its website and OMRON Connect app in Indonesia

November 03, 2023

Empowering Healthier Lives on World Stroke Day - OMRON Healthcare Introduces the Stroke Risk Calculator feature on its website and OMRON Connect app in Indonesia

To commemorate World Stroke Day 2023, OMRON Healthcare has unveiled a groundbreaking feature - the Stroke Risk Calculator in its website across APAC and app – OMRON Connect (in Indonesia). This innovative addition is designed to empower users with a tool to assess their risk of stroke over the next 5 to 10 years.

The calculator is an integral part of OMRON's comprehensive campaign, 'Sleeves Up, Stroke Risk Down,'

What exactly is a Stroke Risk Calculator?

The Stroke Risk Calculator empowers users, ranging from 20 to over 90 years of age, to proactively assess their personal stroke risk through a simple 3-minute questionnaire. Drawing on the insights of 20 scientifically validated questions, individuals can gain valuable insights into their risk profile. Moreover, users receive essential guidance on reducing their risk of stroke, making it a powerful tool for informed health decisions.

This pioneering initiative was developed in collaboration with the Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand, with the involvement of over 300 prominent stroke experts from 102 countries. This remarkable partnership has transformed the project into the world's largest international collaborative mobile health initiative.

How can you access the Stroke Risk Calculator?

Click the link to know more

As a part of their vision of “Going for Zero” to minimize cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events with preventive healthcare, , OMRON Healthcare is orchestrating media campaigns, conferences, and gatherings across different regions of APAC to enhance awareness around the introduction of the Stroke Risk Calculator.

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