- Jun. 27, 2016
- "30% of the leadership positions are held by female employees. Career advancement opportunities should be provided to all motivated and capable employees."
- Jun. 13, 2016
- Innovation required to accelerate the development of the manufacturing industries in India and the role that Japanese companies can play
- May. 12, 2016
- OMRON KYOTO TAIYO Co., Ltd. celebrated its 30th foundation anniversary
- Apr. 21, 2016
- The world-first technology to solve serious power shortage in India was opened to the public at the ISGW exposition.
- Apr. 14, 2016
- How to understand the diversity of gender more deeply in our workplaces?
- Mar. 14, 2016
- OMRON Gives Presentation to India's Energy Minister at Roundtable Dialogue
- Feb. 25, 2016
- OMRON's CTO Talking About "Technology-Oriented Management"
- Dec. 16, 2015
- Asia Monozukuri Conference 2015
- Dec. 11, 2015
- OMRON Ranked Second in JCGR's 2015 Corporate Governance Index Survey
- Oct. 22, 2015
- Financial Strategies Underpinning OMRON's Growth: M&A and Business Portfolio Management
- Sep. 16, 2015
- OMRON Electronics in the U.S. a double winner in "best place to work" awards for 2015
- Sep. 7, 2015
- OMRON's Comprehensive Support for a Safer Workplace Contributes to the Growth of Vietnam's Manufacturing Industry
OMRON Representative Speaks at Asia Manufacturing Conference 2015 in Vietnam
- July 28, 2015
- Mechanism Underpinning OMRON's Powers to Grow and Earn
- June 24, 2015
- OMRON Total Fair Thailand 2015
Providing Solutions to Contribute to the Realization of a More Affluent Thai Society
- June 6, 2015
- Joining with Hardware Venture Firms to Combine Technologies
OMRON VENTURES Co. Hosts OMRON Koto Challenge Demo Day
- March 24, 2015
- OMRON's Management Strength More than Just Business Growth
- Dec. 10, 2014
- Manufacturing Conference 2014
- Dec. 6, 2014
- OMRON Total Fair Indonesia 2014
- Oct. 8, 2014
- CEATEC Japan 2014 Exhibition Report
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