Notice Regarding the Effects of the Central Tottori Earthquake on Our Business Operations #5
November 1, 2016
First of all, we would like to send our thoughts and prayers to everyone who has suffered damage due to the earthquake that struck central Tottori Prefecture. We sincerely hope that the affected area will make the fastest possible recovery.
Soon after the occurrence of the Tottori earthquake on October 21, we set up an Emergency command center charged with gathering information and taking necessary measures. The effects of the earthquake on our business operations at this point in time (November 1, 17:30) are as follows:
- The OMRON Group's main business locations in the affected area
- OMRON Switch & Devices Corporation (OES) Kurayoshi Office (Kurayoshi City)
- OMRON Field Engineering Co., Ltd. Sanin Techno Center (Tottori City, Kurayoshi City and Matsue City)
- Effects on OMRON's business operations
- Production at our (OES) Kurayoshi Office has been fully restored, except for a portion of our products which are scheduled for the restoration of our (OES) Okayama Office.
- Our (OES) Okayama Office continues to restart production in stages, working toward a full restart of production of a portion of our vibration switches and pressure sensors in the middle of November.
- With regard to our supply chains, including suppliers, partner companies, and other entities, nothing has occurred that has affected our operations.