Executive Officers Changes

March 23, 2015

Kyoto, Japan - OMRON Corporation today announced that the following Executive Officers changes.
Executive Officers' positions will be changed as of April 1, and the titles will be changed as of March 21.

  1. Change of Executive Officers (As of April 1, 2015)
    * Changes from the current position & title are underlined

    New Position & Title Current Position & Title Name
    Executive Officer
    Senior General Manager,
    Product Business Division HQ.

    Industrial Automation Company
    Chairman, OMS (OMRON (SHANGHAI) Co., Ltd.)
    Executive Officer
    Senior General Manager, Industrial
    Components Division HQ.
    Industrial Automation Company
    Chairman, OMS (OMRON (SHANGHAI) Co., Ltd.)
    Takashi Ikezoe
    Executive Officer
    Senior General Manager,
    Global Human Resources and Administration HQ.
    Executive Officer
    Senior General Manager, Global Resource Management HQ.
    Izumi Echizen
    Executive Officer
    Senior General Manager,
    Sales & Marketing Division HQ.
    Industrial Automation Company
    Senior General Manager,
    Sales & Marketing Division HQ.
    Industrial Automation Company
    Munenori Odake
    Executive Officer
    Director, Executive Vice President, and Senior General Manager, Global Sales and Marketing Group HQ. OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd.
    Executive Vice President, and Senior General Manager, Global Sales and Marketing Group HQ. OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd. Kenji Sugawa
    Executive Officer
    Senior General Manager, Global Risk
    Management and Legal HQ.
    Senior General Manager,
    Global Legal Center
    Shuji Tamaki
    Executive Officer
    President and Representative Director, OMRON PRECISION TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.
    President and Representative Director, OMRON PRECISION TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd. Ken Tanikawa

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