OMRON Announces Director Changes


Tokyo, Japan - OMRON Corporation (Tokyo: 6645; ADR: OMRNY) today announced the following Director changes. The changes will be referred for approval to an ordinary general meeting of shareholders scheduled to be held in June.

  1. Directors
    (1) Newly appointed candidates
    Name New Position
    Yoshihito Yamada President & CEO
    Yoshinobu Morishita Director and Executive Vice President
    Akio Sakumiya Senior Managing Director

    *The nomination of Yoshihito Yamada as President & CEO was announced on January 17

    (2) Retiring personnel
    Name Position
    Yoshio Tateisi Chairman of the Board of Directors
    Keiichiro Akahoshi Director and Executive Vice President
    Yutaka Takigawa Director and Executive Vice President

    *The resignation of Yoshio Tateisi from the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors was announced on January 17

    (3) Candidates for reappointment (candidates for reappointment after their current terms expire)
    Name Position
    Hisao Sakuta Chairman of the Board of Directors
    Fumio Tateisi Director and Executive Vice Chairman
    Toyama Kazuhiko Director
    Masamitsu Sakurai Director

    *The nomination of Hisao Sakuta as Chairman of the Board of Directors was announced on January 17
    *Kazuhiko Toyama is President & CEO of Industrial Growth Platform Inc.
    *Masamitsu Sakurai is the Chairman of the Board and Representative Director of Ricoh Co. Ltd.
    *These Directors will be elected at an ordinary general meeting of shareholders and approved at a subsequent Board of Directors meeting.

  2. Corporate Auditors
    (1) Retiring personnel
    Name Position
    Satoshi Ando Corporate Auditor

    *Satoshi Ando is scheduled to assume the position of Executive Officer on June 21, 2011.

Media Inquires
Atsushi Sasada
General Manager
OMRON Corporate Communications Department
Tel.: +81-75-344-7175

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