OMRON Receives "IR Special Award" from JIRA

November 15, 2018

OMRON accepted 2018 IR Special Award from The Japan Investor Relations Association (JIRA). This is the 2nd time OMRON received the honor, following 2005. (2015, OMRON won Best IR Award.)

The 25th JIRA Award is designed to recognize those companies which have been highly accredited in the investment community for their understanding and promotion of IR activities.

Of 299 applicants, one was selected for Grand Prix, seven for Best IR, three for IR Special, two for Best IR Awards for Encouragement and one for Special Award of the JIRA 25th anniversary Commemorative Awards.

According to JIRA, the reasons for the selection are as follows.

  • OMRON incorporates sustainability targets in its business plans and aims to achieve them. This shows the company's emphasis on ESG even in managing the company itself.
  • Sustainability evaluation is also reflected in directors' compensation, exemplifying OMRON's high consciousness to enhance corporate value from a longer-term perspective.
  • While the company has an established reputation for its IR activities, in recent years ESG-related information disclosure and dialogue have been advanced and strengthened by holding ESG briefings and attending overseas ESG-related conferences.
  • In order to make continuous efforts in ESG, the company also strives to exchange information with investors who put an emphasis on ESG.
2018 IR Special Award

* OMRON also received "Companies with Greatest Improvement in IR" and "Companies with Best Continual Efforts in IR" which have been set up for the JIRA 25th Anniversary Commemorative Awards.

Reference: Please refer to a website of JIRA about details of "2018 Best IR Award".


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