
News OMRON VENTURES Hosts Koto Challenge Demoday, Honoring the First Koto Challenge Award Recipients

On June 6, 2015, OMRON VENTURES held the OMRON Koto Challenge Demoday, an event designed to unveil the achievements of participants in the OMRON Koto Challenge program. The results of three months of hard work by participants, the displayed items included prototypes for a range of imaginative products that demonstrate the unique strengths of the participants. Products included a drone, wind turbine, wearable device, good sleep pillow, health management belt, and a nutritional management mug bottle, all of which attracted a great deal of favorable attention from the audience. Participants also received feedback from users regarding usability, sensitivity of the sensor in use, and target prices, which motivated them to make a fresh start toward further refinement of their prototypes and product concepts.

After each team’s presentation and screening of prototype demos, two winners of the first Koto Challenge Awards were selected, as follows: Grand Prize winner: Health Management IoT Belt “The Reality of Your Stomach” by the Waiston Team
Audience Award winner: “Pillojoy Pillow that Embraces You” by the vimo Team

Applications for the next OMRON Koto Challenge program will be accepted beginning in late December of 2015. Look forward to the upcoming program with more extensive prototyping support!